Detailed map of Elounda Agios Kritsa Merabelo
28 March 2020Shimano freehub service tool
20 April 2020
Cycling & hiking map of Asterousia mountains and Mesara plain
This is a high quality detailed map of Asterousia mountains and Mesara plain. On the map you can see the most interesting places to visit and things to do. The map is always updated and we add new features. We recommend to use the map as a guide during your stay at our area.
For navigation we recommend to use a GPS device or an appropriate application on your smart phone.
Visit our blog and find dozens routes to follow with your GPS or smart phone.
Download the full size map . 2 pages west and east A4/A3 print size
Download the KMZ file and use the map with your smart phone on GOOGLE EARTH
Hou have to install the GOOGLE EARTH app in your smart phone